On 10/5/05, K Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antoine Solomon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:14 AM
> Subject: about linux emulation
> Is it possible to chroot into a fully functional linux environment on
> freebsd?
> --
> Hi Antoine,
> I don't know if this fully answers your question as I barely understand the
> chroot process myself. I wanted to install Coldfusion on FreeBSD (Ain't
> gonna work but I tried). First it complained about FreeBSD not being
> supported so I'm like yah so. But what next? I was putzing around someplace
> and found something that went in the lines like this
> chroot /compat/linux/ /bin/bash
> And to my surprise I was chrooted. I then re-ran the install process for
> Coldfusion and it didn't complain until the very end where it said can't
> find 'ps' and some other little gizmo (I think it was top). I was bummed
> because it seems that ps and top are not part of the linux emulation.
> Admittedly I'm using linux_base-rh-7.3. But anyway I was chrooted. One last
> thing in the path there is also a linux chroot. So my guess is that you
> could chroot with success but wont know until you use some application that
> requires some missing element, in my case 'ps' and 'top.'
> Hope that helps.
> ~Mr. Anderson
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Hmm. I was wondering if one could make FC4/RHEL
environment running in a jail/chroot on FreeBSD. I'm
sure that 80% of linux programs would run almost
without a hitch. Just imagine it: virtual linux box
0wn3d by FreeBSD :-)

If someone knows about a how-to, please post it.
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