On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 01:26:02AM +0200, Jonathan Glaschke wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 04:05:13PM -0700, Jordan Michaels wrote:
> > Chris wrote:
> > 
> > >I see the site is sporting a new design. I like it.
> > >
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > *Much* better. =) More professional like FreeBSD should be...
> > 
> > Does anyone know whatever became of the FreeBSD logo contest? Did they
> > get a new logo or did no one win? Just curious!
> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=615424+0+archive/2005/freebsd-questions/20050904.freebsd-questions

In which one may read completely uninformed guesses presented as fact
by Ted.

Back in the real world, voting on the new logos among the developer
community concludes tomorrow.  I don't know what the timescale after
that is for rolling it out.


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