On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 11:30:11AM -0800, Jeff Bogari wrote:
> Please advise as to where to pursue resources on the date command,
> specifically, help or examples regarding setting (reinstating) daylight
> savings time.  Man pages have been inadequate on this sub-topic, and
> extensive web search has provided only anecdotal information.
> Also, in my search I have noticed quite a bit of confusion surrounding these
> issues, so a reliable or authoritative source would be great.
I believe this has been answered.
To re-iterate.
- Windows does not understand the implications of setting CMOS time to
_ If you run only FreeBSD then decide if you want your system clock to
repreent the time on the clock in your house, or GMT/UTC.
- Choose the Time Zone you live in from the list.
- If you run Windows and FreeBSD on the same machine, and want the right
time on both of them, choose local time, and set the CMOS clock

I don't know about authoritative but all the machines in my network tell
the right time, also when DST changes occur.

You should use a Stratum 2/3 time server via ntp to keep your time upto
date if you worry about the odd second or two (CMOS clocks are
notoriously bad at keeping the time).

The situation is more complex in Linux, but since this is a FreeBSD

   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

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