On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 12:55:58PM -0400, Christian Kuhtz wrote:
> Yeah, but also the most irrelevant when it comes to supply chain folk.

Supply-chain folk?  Is that a euphemism for "suits?"

My employer is audited by clients on a regular basis.  If you have your
internal documentation and processes together, it doesn't seem to bother
any of the corporate-types we run up against in the health-care industry
that we are running a freely-available, open-source OS.

If you require "commercial support" I'd like to think there is a
commercial entity that can lease such an option to you.  The FreeBSD
foundation hasn't gone down that road yet, unlike some other projects.
Maybe someday, but if you need a commercial support option that is
co-branded with your Operating System, you could do worse than Solaris,
or Red Hat Enterprise.


> >On 10/6/05, Ansar Mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>I guess I am interested in finding out if there is support that is  
> >>offered
> >>by the FreeBSD project, not from third party vendors.
> >>
> >
> >FreeBSD offers non-commercial support through
> >mailing-lists and doc-project (FAQs and Handbooks)
> >which is probably the most comprehensive,
> >active and effective support there is.
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