Hanno Krusken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> running FreeBSD-5.4-RELENG-p7 with a custom kernel on a laptop, I would like 
> to disable "ALL" non english building language on the system incl. for all 
> the installed ports.
> I can not find any article about settings for the "/etc/make.conf" file, is 
> there some thing like "NO_LOCALE", "WITHOUT_NLS" or global 
> "CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-nls" witch can be used in single port "Makefile" 
> configurations.
> I would like to use any thing like "?????+=--disable-nls" for my 
> "/etc/make.conf" to include to "buildworld", "make install" and "portupgrade 
> -rRa" with out getting all the "~/local" folders cluttered up.

There is no formal support for this.  Nor is there likely to be, given
the number of different approaches taken by different third-party
software.  You will need to keep an eye on it port by port.
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