mdff wrote:
VPN is probably your choice. Check out OpenVPN
( for a portable and relatively
easy-to-setup solution.

thx for the hint, but we don't want VPN/tunnels/ipsec
solutions for this.

would you mind explaining why not?

(I was going ot suggest SSH forwarding and then your protocol of choice, but that is a tunnel ).

because one user being authenticated on the windows client
should be able to connect to another network share without
needing to always startup a ipsec-connection,

I _think_ that with windows all you have to do is tell the domain to run on ipsec, and once you have the certs installed it's all ready to be used.

and re-map the drive (necessary because sometimes windows
does not re-map the drive automatically).

still beats me why people insist in using drive letters. a) as you say, when or why they work or dont (their mapping i mean) is another of MS voodoo things; b) why restrict yourself to so few connections ; c) using \\servername\share (or domainanme\\share\ in AD) would be better

Shares published via AD is much better - it just works. browse to the server. Anyway, i digress :)

technically the solution would fit, but the admin overhead
would be too much.

understood :) webdav/ssl sounds like a good idea, as per Andrew Gould's email.

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