On 10/11/05, Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         kldstat says that I have the linux stuff builtin.  Thanks
>         for your help; I'm de-/re-installing linux_base-8.  Should
>         be interesting.

Shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.

>         <SOAPBOX>
>         The default of having these compat files installed in /usr
>         rather than in /usr/local should probably be re-thought.
>         I look for (most) ports in /usr/local.  [A lot of the GUI
>         suite are in /usr/X11R6/* tho.]  hAving things symlinked
>         shouldn't use up too many inodes.
>         </SOAPBOX>

Maybe you should reread hier(7) manpage. Personally
I honestly think that FreeBSD's directory layout is the
most carefully thought through one of all. You can't
symlink binary files from /usr/X11R6 to /compat/linux
/usr/X11R6, because they are in different binary formats.

Also, please note that /usr/compat is just a temporary
solution, which exists until everybody recognizes the
total superiority of FreeBSD to other systems. 6.0
is starting the countdown towards FreeBSD 6.6.6,
which will conquer the world :-)
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