Bsd Neophyte wrote:

I've been told I can use these free third party domain name servers.  I've
also been told that you need to keep a record with at least 2 domain name
servers when hosting a domain name.  While, I can do this, I'd like to
host at least one DNS at home.

Now, I'm completely confused if this can be done and if it can, then how
to do it.
I don't know if it exists for free for you, too, but our provider supports "HIDDEN PRIMARY" name servers. We just configure a name server in our network and tell him our IP address for that machine. That he transfers the zones to his name servers and provide internet reachable name services for all our domains and subdomains.

The FreeBSD handbook seems pretty straight-forward in setting up BIND. However, I don't know how to distinguish more than one domain name when
using only one IP address. Also, is it possible for the home DNS and the
third party DNS's to work in tandem?
It's easy when you use hidden primaries and forward requests you cannot answer by yourself.

L i W W W i Jens Rehsack
L i W W W W i nnn gggg LiWing IT-Services
L i W W W W i n n g g
LLLL i W W i n n g g Friesenstraße 2
gggg 06112 Halle
g g
Tel.: +49 - 3 45 - 5 17 05 91 ggg e-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax: +49 - 3 45 - 5 17 05 92

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