John Straiton
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 704-365-9970 
Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of directly to me so that the
first available engineer might help you

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Jack L. Stone
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 11:21 PM
> To: John Straiton; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Apache + mod_ssl + mod_frontpage no longer working
> At 09:16 PM 12.10.2002 -0500, John Straiton wrote:
> >Greetings!
> >
> >     So I had written to -questions a long time ago with how I got
> >this combination to work:    [Apache 1.3x + mod_ssl + mod_php4 +
> >mod_frontpage] using ports/www/apache13-modssl/ as the base, then 
> >patching it for mod_frontpage and then adding ports/www/mod_php4
> >
> >But for some reason, recently, my method of installation stopped 
> >working. I don't know what I did or when, but it's not 
> working anymore. 
> >By that I mean that you could no longer connect to it via frontpage 
> >client and the frontpage components (form2email fer instance) never 
> >return after being submitted...they just sit on "waiting for 
> reply..." 
> >indefinitely. So I figure that the easiest thing to do would be to 
> >repeat the process again, at least I'd wind up with the 
> latest versions 
> >of everything anyway. Didn't work.
> >
> >When I try to connect to it with a frontpage client, the client just 
> >hangs for a very very long time. In inspecting the logs, I 
> only see one 
> >thing. It gets recorded into the error_log for the site I 
> try to open 
> >in frontpage.
> >
> >[Tue Dec 10 20:43:15 2002] FrontPage SUID Error: could not 
> read valid 
> >input key
> >
> >RTR's site doesn't seem to have anything explaining this, and google 
> >searches only come back with sourcecode and regrettibly, I'm 
> not much 
> >of a serious coder so reverse engineering it ain't gonna happen.
> >
> >Here are the details:
> >
> >FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE, cvsup'ed nightly
> >
> >To set it up I do this:
> >     cd /usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl/
> >     make patch
> >     cd work/apache_1.3.27/
> >     cp /home/john/fp-patch-apache_1.3.22   (the latest one I know
> >of)
> >     patch -p0 < fp-patch-apache_1.3.22
> >             (reports unified or succeeded for every hunk)
> >     cd ../..
> >     make install
> >
> >     cd ../mod_php4
> >     make install
> >
> >     cp /usr/local/sbin/httpd /home/john/
> >
> >     cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/
> >     ./
> >             (I then answer everything as defaults, or yes, only
> >building a root web)
> >     cp /home/john/httpd /usr/local/sbin/      (cause it installs
> >1.3.19)
> >     apachectrl start
> >
> >Now all this USED to be the way I'd get a working binary. 
> I've followed 
> >these instructions like a half dozen times (they're actually from my 
> >personal notes).
> >
> >Here's my startup messages:
> >[Tue Dec 10 20:42:51 2002] [notice] Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) 
> mod_ssl/2.8.12 
> >OpenSSL/0.9.6g PHP/4.2.3 FrontPage/ configured -- resuming 
> >normal operations [Tue Dec 10 20:42:51 2002] [notice] suEXEC 
> mechanism 
> >enabled (wrapper:
> >/usr/local/sbin/suexec)
> >[Tue Dec 10 20:42:51 2002] [notice] Accept mutex: flock (Default: 
> >flock)
> >
> >Looks good! But what I wind up with is a working apache13-modssl + 
> >mod_php4, no frontpage...
> >
> >I then take an empty virtualhost website (as in, it's set up 
> but has no
> >files) and do this:
> >
> >/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe -o install -u 
> <username> 
> >-pw <password> -m <domain.ext> -s 
> /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf -xu 
> ><sameusername> -ug <usergroup>
> >
> >Which comes back with a friendly message about the 
> installation being 
> >successful. Too bad it doesn't work.. Again, Frontpage 2002 
> just hangs.
> >
> >Thoughts, Ideas, Some cheese to go with my whine =)   
> anything would be
> >appreciated:
> >
> >John Straiton
> >Clickcom, Inc
> >704-365-9970x101
> >
> Have you tried without the "patch"....?? I haven't applied 
> the patch since
> several versions ago -- maybe as far back as Apache-1.3.19. 
> Some obscure
> research turned up that info as I recall. I tried it and 
> never looked back
> -- no patches. Running several servers that way.

Hrm. So here's what I did.. I went into /usr/ports/www/apache13-fp and
put mod_frontpage.c into the files directory.. Then I opened the
Makefile and added 

MOD_FP=         ${FILESDIR}/mod_frontpage.c

And then into the configure args, 
                --enable-module=define \
+                 --add-module=${MOD_FP} \
+                 --enable-shared=frontpage \

But when I then try a make I get this;
===> src/modules/extra
cc -c -I/usr/local/include -I../../os/unix -I../../include
-DHARD_SERVER_LIMIT=512  -DDOCUMENT_LOCATION=\"/usr/local/www/data/\"
-DACCEPT_FILTER_NAME=\"httpready\" -funsigned-char -DMOD_SSL=208112
-DEAPI -DEAPI_MM -DUSE_EXPAT -I../../lib/expat-lite -O -pipe
`../../apaci` -fPIC -DSHARED_MODULE mod_frontpage.c && mv
mod_frontpage.o mod_frontpage.lo
mod_frontpage.c: In function `FrontPageAlias':
mod_frontpage.c:715: structure has no member named `execfilename'
mod_frontpage.c: In function `FrontPageStaticAlias':
mod_frontpage.c:773: structure has no member named `execfilename'
*** Error code 1

So how are you adding FP without patching?


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