2005/10/22, stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've got a FreeBSD machine runing Bind 9.3 that needs to zone transfers
> from a Solaris 8 machine running Bind 8.3.3
> I'm getting errors about failed transfers. This is showing up in the logs
> on the Solaris machine:
> Oct 21 14:30:33 cor-day-dns4 named[140]: denied AXFR from
> [].1044 for "10.in-addr.arpa" IN (acl)
Simply allow the FreeBSD box to get the transfer - check your AXFR ACL
on the Solaris box.
Buy the latest revision of DNS&BIND if you don't have it.
Also if possible, migrate the Solaris named to 9.3 and use TSIG as a
verification for transfers.

Димитър Василев
Dimitar Vassilev

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