
for audio adjustment:
mixer 100:100
(or any other value instead of 100 - from 0 to 100)
as for audio cd's - if i'm not wrong, there was something about groups - add 
yourself to the "operator" group. i suppose it helps.

On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 11:26:48 -0500
"Teilhard Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Kane wrote:
> > Teilhard Knight wrote:
> >> Mark Kane wrote:
> >>
> >>> Teilhard Knight wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hello:
> >>>>
> >>>> I have only compiled a kernel for FreeBSD for the series 4.x. I now
> >>>> installed version 5.4, and I do not have sound. I am compiling my
> >>>> custom kernel essentially to get sound. In the series 4.x the
> >>>> driver "pcm" worked fine for me. My question is whether I should
> >>>> stick to the same driver or I should use another driver in the 5.4
> >>>> install. Any feedback will be appreciated.
> >>>>
> >>>> Teilhard.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Hi. Check out:
> >>>
> >>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/sound-setup.html
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> It's "device sound" in 5.x instead of "device pcm". Obviously then
> >>> add in support for your specific sound card with the documentation
> >>> provided there.
> >>>
> >>> Hope that helps. :)
> >>
> >>
> >> It helped a lot. I issued the command "kldload sound" in my original
> >> kernel, and loaded the module snd_ich. I have sound now when I click
> >> on "test sound" in the sound section of the CC and on starting a KDE
> >> session. Problem is, I only get sound through the right hand side and I 
> >> get
> >> nothing when trying to play a CD. Any ideas?
> >>
> >> Teilhard.
> >
> > Glad you got it working. Now for the new issues:
> >
> > I have not used KDE in a long time but I do know that their aRTs
> > daemon takes over sound. Are there any settings showing the left and
> > right channels that you can adjust? Maybe called "Balance"? You might
> > also make sure that the connector on the actual sound card going to your
> > speakers/headphones is plugged in all the way. I know if mine is only
> > halfway in then I only hear one channel.
> >
> > As for CD audio not playing, have you made sure that the audio
> > connector is connected from your CD drive to your sound card? It could be 
> > that,
> > or the mixer levels in aRTs are muted or not raised for CD's.
> As far as I can see, the only thing present in my system to make audio 
> adjustments is Kmix. Very simple compared to Alsamixer in Mandriva. It does 
> not have any sort of balance or individual controls for left and right 
> channels, but for example, only slider for volume.
> I have now compiled my kernel and included support for audio. It came out 
> without it, as the generic kernel. I'd better make another post and explain 
> in more detail, as it is a different issue. Thanks so much for your 
> feedback.
> Teilhard. 
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