On Oct 24, 2005, at 11:45 PM, Dimitar Vasilev wrote:

I don't reccommend doing installworld or kernel in multiuser, but I have never had any problems doing it on a lightly loaded machine. With that said what
could bite you is your new kernel not booting or something broken in
userland. You will then need console access (serial or local) to fix it. I would set up your machine with serial console access and use a laptop or
another machine when you reboot.


I have done it when there is NO activity on the machine. Read UPDATING first.
Reset your securelevel to -1, stop all services except SSH and go.
It's possible to break your machine though.
Then you have to rebuild it again and it's 50/50 to succeed.
As advised twice, use serial cables/KVM switches if possible.
Димитър Василев
Dimitar Vassilev

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If this isn't a production machine, try it. I have been doing system updates since 3.4 and not once have I booted into single user mode to compile my kernel or userland. I've even done it as recently as two weeks ago. I don't have a huge userbase, so my system is pretty quiet.

Eric F Crist                  "I am so smart, S.M.R.T!"
Secure Computing Networks              -Homer J Simpson

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