Linnea Forslund wrote:
On 10/25/05, Micah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Linnea Forslund wrote:

On 10/25/05, Eric F Crist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Oct 24, 2005, at 5:59 PM, Linnea Forslund wrote:

But there is nothing in there

cd /usr/src/ssys

/usr/src/ssys: No such file or directory.

Install cvsup.  Create a cvsup file to fetch the entire source tree.
cvsup your source tree.

see what happens.

Ok, I'll try that tomorrow after som sleep and some animating. If you
could explain it a bit more I would be happy-happy ^^



Check out and
note:  you probably don't want cutting edge, but that's where the
general procedure for cvsupping and compiling your system is.

When i try to download and install a cvsup-package it says

pkg_add -r cvsup

Error: FTP Unable to get
File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
pkg_add: unable to fetch
by URL

It seems like I can't connect to the ftp from there either. I can
however download the files using my opera-browser. Where should I put
it to make it work? Now when I just tried putting it in my
user-catalogue this is what was said:

It looks like you're running FreeBSD 5.3. Trying to get the latest source may be more than you want to get into at this time (though you should do it soon). If you have your FreeBSD 5.3 cds around still, you can get the source by doing the following:
* login as root or su -
* run sysinstall
* Select 'configure' -> 'distributions' -> 'src' -> 'all' -> 'cd/dvd'
If you don't have the install cds you'll probably have to upgrade to FreeBSD 5.4. In that case....

pkg_add cvsup-16.1h_2.tbz

man/man1/cvpasswd.1.gz: Can't open 'man/man1/cvpasswd.1.gz': File exists
man/man1/cvsup.1.gz: Can't open 'man/man1/cvsup.1.gz': File exists
man/man8/cvsupd.8.gz: Can't open 'man/man8/cvsupd.8.gz': File exists
bin/cvpasswd: Can't open 'bin/cvpasswd': File exists
bin/cvsup: Can't open 'bin/cvsup': File exists
sbin/cvsupd: Can't open 'sbin/cvsupd': File exists
share/cvsup/License: Can't open 'share/cvsup/License': File exists
pkg_add: extract_plist: can not invoke 179 byte tar pipeline:
/usr/bin/tar cf - man/man1/cvpasswd.1.gz man/man1/cvsup.1.gz
man/man8/cvsupd.8.gz bin/cvpasswd bin/cvsup sbin/cvsupd
share/cvsup/License|/usr/bin/tar --unlink -xpf - -C /usr/local


I don't use packages, I use the ports system ( Maybe this is pkg_add's way of saying that cvsup is already installed? What doesn pkg_info cvsup\* tell you? How about the command "which cvsup"? If you get output from both of these commands you already have cvsup and can go about following the links I sent earlier to get the source and upgrade your system.

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