On 10/27/05, Michael C. Shultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 27 October 2005 18:49, Eric F Crist wrote:
> > On Oct 27, 2005, at 8:32 PM, John DeStefano wrote:
> > > On 10/27/05, Andrew P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> On 10/27/05, John DeStefano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>> After clearing out the ports, updating ports (with portsnap) and
> > >>> source, and rebuilding the system and kernel... it seemed the
> > >>> ultimate
> > >>> problem was actually a dependency of the package to apache1.3.
> > >>> After I
> > >>> ran 'pkgdb -F' and "fixed" this dependency to point to apache2.1,
> > >>> but
> > >>> I still had trouble installing ports.
> >
> > At this point, what usually works for me is to:
> >
> > #cd /usr && rm -rf ./ports
> >
> > #mkdir ./ports && cvsup /root/ports-supfile
> >
> > The above will delete your ENTIRE ports tree, provided it's kept in /
> > usr/ports and as long as you use cvsup (and your ports supfile is /
> > root/ports-supfile as mine is).  When a whole bunch of ports stop
> > working, I find this is the easiest thing to do.
> >
> > The other thing I do is run a cron job every week that updates, via
> > cvsup, the ports tree.  About once a year I perform the above, mostly
> > to clean out the crap.  Re-downloading your entire ports tree will be
> > quicker if you don't use the ports-all tag and actually define which
> > port segments you are interested in.  For example, there's no real
> > reason to download all the x11/kde/gnome crap if you're doing this on
> > a headless server that isn't going to serve X.
> >
> > HTH
> Replacing /usr/ports won't fix his problems, they reside in /var/db/pkg.
> I may be a bit biased but I reaaly think John D. should try running
> portmanager -u (ports/sysutils/portmanager).  Stale dependencies is a non
> issue for portmanager.
> -Mike

Biased indeed. ;)  I tried it, and it did work for some ports, but not
all.  Here's the report output of a second run-through:

status report finished
percentDone-=>16 = 100 - ( 100 * ( QTY_outOfDatePortsDb-=>10 /
TOTAL_outOfDatePortsDb-=>12 ) )
checkForOldDepencies 0.3.0_0 skip: apsfilter-7.2.6 has a dependency
acroread-5.08 that needs to be updated first
upgrade 0.3.0_0 info: ignoring scrollkeeper-0.3.12_1,1, reason: failed
during (2) make
upgrade 0.3.0_0 info: ignoring cups-pstoraster-7.07, reason: failed
during (2) make
checkForOldDepencies 0.3.0_0 skip: eog2-2.2.1 has a dependency
scrollkeeper-0.3.12_1,1 that needs to be updated first
checkForOldDepencies 0.3.0_0 skip: apsfilter-7.2.6 has a dependency
acroread-5.08 that needs to be updated first
upgrade 0.3.0_0 info: ignoring emacs-21.3, reason: failed during (2) make
upgrade 0.3.0_0 info: ignoring gconf-editor-2.4.0,1, reason: performed
(6) emergancy restore
upgrade 0.3.0_0 info: ignoring apache-2.0.48, reason: failed during (2) make
checkForOldDepencies 0.3.0_0 skip: gnomeuserdocs2-2.0.6_1 has a
dependency scrollkeeper-0.3.12_1,1 that needs to be updated first
upgrade 0.3.0_0 info: ignoring acroread-5.08, reason: marked FORBIDDEN
update of ports collection complete with either some errors, ignored
ports or both
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