
Sometime back, I posted a message mentioning that I planned on installing OpenOffice once it reached 2.0 status on my FreeBSD machine using a nonstandard wrkdirprefix path (original email is shown via the below link).

http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=184696+187981+/usr/local/ www/db/text/2005/freebsd-questions/20050918.freebsd-questions

One reply was that I can use

env WRKDIRPREFIX=/myotherlocation make install

This is fine for installing it, but I was wondering was there a good way of modifying WRKDIRPREFIX to always point to this location only for OpenOffice.org, that way I can use portupgrade in the future and not have to worry about it? I am assuming the best way of dealing with this is with the file /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf. assume that I could put it inside of the MAKE_ARGS section. What is the most optimal way of modifying this file for what I have mentioned above? I have read the pkgtools.conf and ports manpages (and am still slightly confused) and am running FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE.

If the only way to do this is by modifying the variable on the whole so everything is built elsewhere, I suppose that is alright as well. If this is the only way, what is the preferred way of handling this? Thank you all for your assistance.

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