thanks. I chanted ten times, but I was only able to create desktop folders
with these names (floppy, dvdrom, ...). I could not get get them to 'mount'
the device. For. eg i placed DVD in the drive, clicked on the newly created
DVDROM folder on the desktop - but did not reveal the DVD contents.

I must have done it wromg. Any more help?


On 11/3/05, Robert Marella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Nov 2005 02:41:24 +1100
> paul thodiyil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to create shortcut icons to the gnome desktop for
> > commonly used devices such as floppy drive; cd/DVD rom drive and USB
> > compact flash card reader.
> > FreeBSD 6.0 RC1; AMD64
> > Many thanks
> mkdir ~/Desktop/floppy
> mkdir ~/Desktop/dvdrom
> mkdir ~/Desktop/flash
> Speak the magic incantation "Beastie is better than any stinking logo"
> The icons will appear on your desktop as folders. Right click the
> folder and choose properties and you can change the icon.
> Good Luck
> Robert
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