> > it would be interesting to learn the total # of "core" members, and how
> > the vote went, yay and nay, and whether, it at all, the "core" is
> > hearing the message which seems to be emanating from the "non-core"..
> Sigh. "*the message*"? Mixed messages at best. Some like it. A few 
> more don't. A number really, really don't like it at all. Many, 
> many, many, many, many more are completely silent on the topic, 
> meaning they really don't give a flying /dev/null.
> > IOW, can the decision be reversed? is it being considered? 

It is not like a governmental edict condemning someone to death or
to pay higher taxes was made.   to 'reverse' it, just use what 
you want on you systems and ignore the decorations on the FreeBSD
web site.

> If the process gets reversed based on the fervent outcry of a small 
> number of people who think they have somehow been disenfranchised, 
> that would be just as silly as the oft-repeated "this whole thing 
> was done to please offended right-wingers" argument.
> There was a process (seems to me it was a fair process), it's over, 
> and some factions lost, particularly the "don't change anything" 
> faction. By gosh and gee willikers, what a surprise.
> Seems to me like those who are up in arms over this:
> (a) had every chance to participate in the process

 <a> I had every opportunity to participate.   
     I did make a couple of minor comments saying roughly that it
     isn't worth all the freaking out worry people were putting in to it.

> (b) did not participate in the process except to heartily denounce 
> the very existence of the process and its goal

 <b> I did a couple of idle sketches, but am such a lousy drawer that
     even I could see that they were worthless.   So, I just hoped
     other more talented folk would come up with something reasonable.
     I suspect that 99 44/100 of those who didn't submit anything
     were in about the same place.

> (c) even now outright refuse to go and be part of the advocacy@ 
> community where this discussion is germane to that list charter

 <c> I used to be subsrcibed to the advocacy list, but really didn't
     need the constant barrage of flames about whether FreeBSD or Linux
     did the most damage to Microsloth and the endless psuedo-legalistic
     arguments from self-appointed psuedo-experts.    There is too much
     dross to discard to get to any metal over there.

> (d) need a real big mop for all the spilled milk and tears

 <d> I don't really think it is all that important and am not crying.
     I am far more interested in the quality of the product and in
     that, with small occasional glitches, am generally impressed and 
     pleased.    But, since the supposed aim was to come up with 
     a real _logo_ because Beastie was really just a _mascot_, I think
     this missed the mark and just ended up with a stylized additional
     _mascot_ from which it might be fun to make some more FreeBSD toys.
     It should appeal nicely to the kid and anim crowd.
     But, it didn't manage to result in a real _logo_ being adopted.

Oh well,,,,

> Biggest. Bike. Shed. Ever.

I looked that up once, but have not gotten used to the slang application.
It always reminds me of the big covered bicycle parking garages in Japan.
You rent a slot monthly or yearly, just like those condemned to living
in one of the big cities in the USA might rent a parking space for their
car.  They hold hundreds and even thousands of bikes.  Kind of impressive.


> -- 
> Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
> South Central Library System (SCLS)
> Library Interchange Network (LINK)
> <gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 266-6348
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