On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 08:17:48AM -0800, Micah wrote:
> Roland Smith wrote:
> >On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 07:11:42AM -0800, Micah wrote:
> >
> >>I cleaned out all the fans, but they weren't that dirty.  I can't test 
> >>the temps while the system is under load (have to reboot and check them 
> >>in the bios). 
> >
> >
> >Try xmbmon of mbmon from the/usr/ports/sysutils/xmbmon port. That should
> >help you read the temperatures.
> >
> >Roland
> Tried that before.  It doesn't properly support my mobo.  It displays a 
> constant temp for both MB and CPU as 127 deg celsius (260.6 F).

Try forcing another access method. With the standard method my mobo also
give bogus values:

  slackbox:~$ mbmon -c1   
  Temp.= 127.0, 127.0,  0.0; Rot.=    0,    0,    0
  Vcore = 0.00, 0.00; Volt. = 0.00, 0.00,  0.00,   0.00,  0.00

Forcing access via an ISA port gives the correct result:

  slackbox:~$ mbmon -c1 -I
  Temp.= 26.0, 39.5, 21.5; Rot.= 1117, 2280,    0
  Vcore = 1.39, 2.99; Volt. = 3.34, 5.05, 15.50,   1.54, -6.10

Hope this helps,

R.F.Smith (http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/) Please send e-mail as plain text.
public key: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/pubkey.txt

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