On Wednesday 09 November 2005 10:24 am, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 November 2005 10:59, Brian E. Conklin wrote:
> > Parsing supfile "/etc/ports-supfile"
> > Connecting to cvsup10.us.freebsd.org
> Why is everyone trying to using cvsup10 all of a sudden?  I don't
> think I've ever made it past 5.

There is a port called fastest_cvsup. If you run it, it is supposed to 
tell you which site will give you the best response. I think the 
rational is that a mirror close to you will have the least impact. I 
have also found that the shortest mirror update is not always provided 
by the best response.

Fastest_cvsup will also enumerate which mirrors are not responding. This 
can be from a failure or they are too busy. If you run a cron job, you 
don't like to see a lot of failures because they are too busy. If you 
have a mirror, you can see how they are impacted by a session, which is 
why I am against cvsuping src, ports, and doc at the same frequency. If 
you aren't going to rebuild everything, every time you cvsup, don't do 


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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