On 11/9/05, Максим Голунов <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello friends. How do you do?
> 1) I've got any problems with mac-biba and mac-mls.
> I used only mac-biba and mac-mls from family of mac-policy.
> I want to set up NFS. And I could do it, really, I needed switch off 
> mac-policy on NFS-server. When I use mac-policy on NFS-server, NFS-client 
> reported "RPCPROG-NFS: ports map failure...: time out" after command 
> "mount_nfs...". I'm repeating, if switch off mac-policy on NFS-server, then 
> NFS good work.
> How will I need to change settings to good work NFS?
> 2) The firm ,when I work, downloaded all packages from ftp.freebsd.org 
> (11Gb). My task is to place all packages in NFS-server. When NFS-client is 
> trying to open NFS-directory with all packages, it reported "server:/... is 
> not responding". I'm sure, this mistake is shown because the directory has 
> got many files. If a directory has got some files, NFS-client is opening this 
> directory.
> How will I need to change settings to correct work NFS?
> 3) The next problem is how can write in directories on NFS-server. I read 
> that root from NFS-client can write in directories on NFS-server by default. 
> I was trying and I wrote some small files in NFS-server, but when I was 
> writing file with size more 1 Mb, NFS-client was broken. I must was rebooting 
> a machine.
> How will I need to change settings to can write in directories on NFS-server?
> Whit the best regards from MAX.

Пожалуйста, прочитай здесь, как правильно настраивать NFS:


Чтобы ускорить доступ к папкам с большим количеством
файлов, используй опцию noatime (подробнее - в манпаге

И начни, наконец, использовать нормальный почтовый
клиент. Если не судьба освоить mutt, пользуйся хотя
бы gmail и дели строчки newline'ами вручную.
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