Michael C. Shultz wrote:
>>>>>>On Friday 11 November 2005 12:55, Danny MacMillan wrote:
>>>>>>>I am experiencing further difficulties with portmanager -slid.  I was
>>>>>>>successfully able to delete several leaf ports.  However, when I try
>>>>>>>to delete devel/p5-Locale-gettext or devel/gmake, portmanager core
>>>>>>>dumps with the following message:
>>>>>>><n> Nuking gmake-3.80_2
>>>>>>>MGdbGoTop error: invalid object type, has this object been initialised
>>>>>>>with MGdbCreate or MGdbOpen yet?
>>>>>>>MGdbSeek error: invalid object type
>>>>>>>Assertion failed: (0), function MGdbSeek, file MGdbSeek.c, line 36.
>>>>>>>zsh: abort (core dumped)  sudo portmanager -slid
> OK, I found other stuff too, will post 0.3.4_1 tomorrow please wait till then
> to use -slid ok?

Will cooperate.  Thank you for your kind attention.

Danny MacMillan
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