On 11/12/05 15:23 Kris Kennaway said the following:
There is no /etc/defaults/make.conf any longer (it's in
/usr/share/examples/etc now)

ok, understandable.

2. pccardd not being built in a 'make buildworld' due to /usr/src/usr.sbin/pccard/Makefile not having pccardd in the SUBDIR

And this was also deliberately disconnected.

any reason why ? admittedly, i'm unfamiliar with 6.0 having been on 4.x for a long, long time. does CardBus now not need pccardd anymore ?

Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                (0 0)    http://www.alphaque.com/
| for a in past present future; do                                        |
|   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
|   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
| done; done                                                              |
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