On Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 07:36:31AM -0600, Eric F Crist wrote:
> Hello list,
> Two days ago, I cvsupped the RELENG_5_4 tag, and rebuilt the system
> using make buildworld, make buildkernel KERNCONF=mykernel, make
> installworld, make installkernel KERNCONF=mykernel.  Before I
> started, I was at 5.4-RELEASE #2.  Now that I've done this, I'm at
> 5.3-RELEASE #3.  How can this be?  I verified my cvs-supfile, and
> everything is pointing to 5.4.
I recently (yesterday) had a problem with cvsup8.us.freebsd.org.  I was
trying for RELENG_6 and it kept feeding me 6.0-RC1.  I suggest trying
another cvsup server.

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