On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 14:30, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 2:09 PM +0000 11/12/05, Robert Slade wrote:
> >Hiya,
> >
> >I'm having a problem with newly installed system. cvsup -g L 2 supfile
> >gives Release not specified for collection "default" with the supfile
> >(based on standard-supfile) containing:
> >
> >default host=cvsup2.FreeBSD.org
> >default base=/var/db
> >default prefix=/usr
> >default release=cvs
> >default tag=RELENG_6_0
> >default delete use-rel-suffix
> >
> >src-all
> You do not want "default" as a collection.  You want to *set*
> default values for some variables.  To set default values, you
> need to have an '*' character before the word 'default'.  E.g.:
> *default host=cvsup2.FreeBSD.org
> *default base=/var/db
> *default prefix=/usr
> *default release=cvs
> *default tag=RELENG_6_0
> *default delete use-rel-suffix
> src-all
> Note that you do not want to add a '*' before 'src-all', because
> 'src-all' is the name of a collection that you want to track.


Thanks - it's working. I was staring at it and totally missed the *.


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