On Saturday 12 November 2005 09:17, Alistair Sutton wrote:
> > I all ready have one pr against this port that looks like it will be
> > pending until maintainer time out.  Saw this a while bck and thought I
> > had portmanager working around it. Mind testing the attached patch and
> > seeing if it helps?
> Note: my /usr/ports tree is symlinked to somewhere within my home
> directory so I don't know if this is causing any problems.
> With the patch, rather than coredumping, portmanager now offers to
> remove the win32-codecs port.
> The output is like this:
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ~> sudo portmanager multimedia/avifile -ui -l -bu
> Password:
> rCreateCommandLineDb 0.3.4_0 info: executing rm -f
> /usr/local/share/portmanager/commandLine.db
> upgrading/installing /usr/ports/multimedia/avifile
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> portmanager 0.3.4_0: Collecting installed port data
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 00001 avifile-0.7.41,2 /multimedia/avifile WITHOUT_QT=yes
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Unix/FreeBSD/ports/multimedia/avifile/../win32-codecs is no longer in
> the ports collection, see /usr/ports/MOVED
> this port must be removed for portmanager to continue
> is it OK to remove  from your system? (yes/no/auto yes to all) [y/n/a] [y]
> Previously I got this response:
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ~> sudo portmanager multimedia/avifile -ui -l -bu
> rCreateCommandLineDb 0.3.4_0 info: executing rm -f
> /usr/local/share/portmanager/commandLine.db
> upgrading/installing /usr/ports/multimedia/avifile
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> portmanager 0.3.4_0: Collecting installed port data
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 00001 avifile-0.7.41,2 /multimedia/avifile WITHOUT_QT=yes
> cd: can't cd to
> /usr/portsUnix/FreeBSD/ports/multimedia/avifile/../win32-codecs zsh:
> segmentation fault (core dumped)  sudo portmanager
> multimedia/avifile -ui -l -bu
> If you want me to try moving the ports into /usr/ports properly, then
> let me know :-)
> Al
> --
> GPG/PGP: http://www.no-dns-yet.org.uk/~everlone/pubkey.gpg

Here is what I get with the patch I sent you applied:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> portmanager multimedia/avifile -ui -l -bu
rCreateCommandLineDb 0.3.4_1 info: executing rm 
-f /usr/local/share/portmanager/commandLine.db
upgrading/installing /usr/ports/multimedia/avifile
portmanager 0.3.4_1: Collecting installed port data
00001 avifile-0.7.41,2 /multimedia/avifile
00002 nasm-0.98.39,1 /devel/nasm
00003 qt-copy-3.3.4 /x11-toolkits/qt33
00004 gmake-3.80_2 /devel/gmake
00005 libtool-1.5.20 /devel/libtool15
00006 sdl-1.2.9,2 /devel/sdl12
00007 win32-codecs-3.1.0.p5_1,1 .2005.10.01/multimedia/avifile/../win32-codecs
00008 liba52-0.7.4_1 /audio/liba52

This is correct, so may take at look at this

cd /usr/ports/multimedia/avifile

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>cd /usr/ports/multimedia/avifile
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/multimedia/avifile>make -V PORTSDIR

/usr/ports      (where ports thinks /usr/ports is located)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/multimedia/avifile>make -V make -V .CURDIR

/usr/ports.2005.10.01/multimedia/avifile        (actual location)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/multimedia/avifile>ls -l /usr/ports

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  21 Nov 12 07:21 /usr/ports -> /usr/ports.2005.10.01

I have a link from /usr/ports to  /usr/ports.2005.10.01

Is your something like this?


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