Jeppe Larsen wrote:

On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 17:22:08 +0000, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
I believe upgrading xorg-clients and then xterm should work, if only that damn xorg-clients port would compile! I found this link late last night which might help, but haven't tried it myself yet.

With portdowngrade i managed to install 206 again, so that might be
settled. It seems that the problem with xorg-client is another matter, but
this error in the link is from january, and the upgrade to 6.8.2_1 is from

As I said, I just did a quick trawl of google late yesterday (like 2am) and haven't followed up. I don't *know* that it's relevant but it looks like the same error to me. It's not unknown for errors which have been fixed to come crawling back out of the woodwork, so maybe it was fixed once and just came back. That's something the port maintainers would have to speak to, though! I actually have no idea that the problem didn't exist since Jan, since I think I installed nvidia-driver after xorg-clients, so wouldn't have seen the problem.

Glad the portdowngrade worked for you. I would just leave those two ports alone for a while until you either see something on this list, or see them being updated through cvsup (or check the ports changes page on the freebsd web site every now and again). Or just try upgrading xorg-clients again in a week. If it doesn't fail, then upgrade xterm. If it does fail, it doesn't matter and try again a week later!


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