I've never ran one on FreeBSD, but I've used several DDS-3 drives of all
kinds of flavors.  I've had some problems with some Seagate ones, but
aside from that, I've had no problems.  The only thing I'd keep in mind,
and that I've experienced is that the DDS-3 tapes are not designed for
heavy use.  From what I've done, using 5 tapes a week, one a day, I end
up throwing the tapes out (after destroying them) after about 4-6
months...which is fairly average from what I've heard.  Also, a cleaning
tape, though I never believed it till I saw & used it, increased the
life of the tapes slightly, and I assume it also extends the life of the
drive...but I've never seen one croak, so I don't know.

Hope I helped,

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Peter Erickson
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 7:57 PM
Subject: Tape Backup

I am running Freebsd 4.6 and my dds-2 tape backup drive just died on me.
I am interested in moving up to a bigger capacity drive so does anyone
have any recommendations? I am not interested in anything high end, this
is just for my system at home. I was looking at the dds-3 drives, but
before i went out and bought one, I would like opinions and or
recommendations. Thanks in advance.

Peter Erickson

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