Good day again!!
 This has something to do with my previous email about finding an IRC bouncer 
installed into one of our freebsd servers(4.9). Someone suggested here to run a 
rootkit finder... I installed an rkhunter and eventually found an ascii text 
file inside the /dev/ named "saux" and to my surprise, it contains all of our 
username and passwords we used to login to other servers from that machine. 
Afterwards, we didn't even run the same root kit finder into other machines and 
just looked for that file(saux) and walla!! all machines have one!! We 
immediately killed all remote administration daemons and allow only root 
console access. Now we have a lot of work to do. more than 10 servers have been 
compromised founded the same file("saux") containing our passwords. Critical 
servers such as dns, proxy, mail etc. Even two of our cisco routers are 80% 
possibly compromised as well..
 The question is: Now what?? I guess we will be spending 7 days of work 
starting from this day till we have a properly created policies, not just for 
user accounts... but I guess for everything, as in everything. And it wouldn't 
be only for a short period of time...I'm sure though. The bigger question is: 
Where should we start? Investigate how the cracker got into the system? Why? 
perhaps we should bring back the server first into their functional state 
because hundreds of thousands of people are relying to them??  Or should we 
tell our Director first, in case he might wonder why he is not receiving his 
emails on Monday morning or cannot telnet into the cisco router?
 Now we have  a couple of inputs, we just have to figure out which is the 
proper combination. Here they are:
 1. Use private key for ssh logins (should bring the private key always... and 
if it is stolen.....)
 2. Use kerberos for ssh logins? useful for cisco telnet authentication too. 
Should we replace the existing radius for the routers? Do we have enough time? 
can we afford to run a compromised server while setting up these servers?
 3. Constantly upgrade third party softwares (ssh, ssl, apache, bind) etc.. 
(too much work.. there are so many of them(postgres, proftp, mysql, php) must 
be member of various security mailing lists and discussions).
 4. Constant Os upgrade(or should we shift to OpenBSD like one of our boss 
recommended(need to familiarize first, it is a *nix no problem... but it is 
still OpenBSD :)Also, was it really the 4.8 that has been hacked or the old 
version of BIND running on it? Anyway, its 6.0 now, guess we really have to 
upgrade now.
 5. Use nmap versioning etc. constantly check for unknown services (must audit 
all of the services running on every machine)
 6. Always compile into a jail environment
 7. Create a standard firewall ruleset template, (if it is a web server... 
uncomment this etc.)
 8. use a livecd... (use for binary trojaning)
 9. remote sysloging (I thought "-ss" flag is recommended?)
 10. Implement kernel secure level chflags(undeletable, firewall unchangeable)
 11. Use ip forwarding so that public servers will never again face the 
Internet directly( does this require a supers strong machine that will act as 
firewall? or perhaps an appliance(brand new) can we acquire this right away?
 What else?? Do you have anymore idea? Right now I am about to reformat one of 
our proxy server and install 6.0 on it. Perhaps I should check the squid config 
 Suggestions are welcome... very much welcome.  I just need to collate 

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