i've manually created partition and slices - the same thing happens. i've
formated the disk with dos startup disk.. happens the same. but the funny
thing is, that freebsd formats the disk itself, and then tries to install
base - it doesn't start with 0% but with 2% - and stays there.
could installer be broken? imho, someone else would have the same problem..

On 11/22/05, Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2005-11-22 15:34, Martin Zibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > today i was installing freebsd 6.0 and got this error: /: create/symlink
> > failed, no inodes free
> > I used 2 disks (one 4GB and the other 8GB) but got the same error.
> > How can i fix this problem? The disks were formated through fbsd
> sysinstall
> > at install.
> Your root filesystem is full. If this happened because you let
> sysinstall pick the partition sizes, delete the partitions it has
> created and start over with manually created partitions.
> - Giorgos
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