On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 12:46:27PM -0500, Gerard Seibert wrote:
> OK, then why is it that the nameserver gets removed on every
> reboot of the system and the nameservers of my ISP are inserted.
> Actually, I never removed them, I just placed the new one ahead of them.
> There is also a search entry in the file. If I remove it, it also gets
> rewritten upon boot-up. Maybe I should mention that I am employing DHCP
> presently to obtain a lease from my ISP. Is there something I need to
> alter in order to get this to work. If I cannot be done, it is no great
> lose however. I can live with the system the way it is.

dhclient doesn't know that you want to use a local cache, so it does
what it does - gets resolver addresses from your ISP.

Put this in your /etc/dhclient.conf:

interface "hme0" {    <---  Change interface name accordingly...
    supersede domain-name-servers;

And try again.  I believe, but haven't tested it, that you can use
prepend instead of supersede is you wish to keep your ISP's resolvers in
case your cache fails - but don't quote me on that!  ;-)

As for search order, use prepend:

interface "hme0" {
    prepend domain-name "your.domain.here";


Daniel Bye

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