At the end of a portsclean -LPPDDC I got this:
** Clean out /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg manually on occasions.
** Try using libchk(1) (sysutils/libchk) to find out unreferenced libraries.
I'm asking thus some questions, the one is how could I clean manually
the /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg directory and the second is about the
nature of libchk. I got no man page on this soft and it doesn't seem
to be installed on my box. Before running it I wish to know what is
it? Could someone explain me what this software is and figure out is
utility for a system?
Finally I got a question about pkgdb, when I run it with the F options
I often have questions to which I have to answer thx to yes or no. I
never know what I must choose. I read the man page of pkgdb but it's
not clear in my mind could someone explain me how this soft works?
Many thx
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