* On 29/11/05 00:21 +0300, Wash wrote:
> I use shellguard as my ssh client on my Windows box. However I see
> a problem with 6.0-RELEASE, in a pattern whose solution I can't find
> even in google.
> On my machine which I have just updated from 5.4-STABLE -> 6.0-STABLE,
> when I try to connect with shellguard, I get this:
> <cut>
> Exception.
> no matching comp found. Client zlib Server: none,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> </cut>
> This happens to even a box installed with clean 6.0-RELEASE.
> I am stumped about this!

I hate this, but I seem to have found the answer:

Setting "Compression yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config seems to be the



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