I've been running amd64 version since version 6 been out without any crashes.

I am running on dell's 1850 and 2850 servers.

On my part, the only problem I see in it, is that commercial vendors don't support it so in my case, I can't run zend accelerator and pdflib since they are precompiled for IA32

IA32 compat won't help you in this case since these two program are loadable module so you cannot load a ia32 module in a amd64 compiled application even with compatIA32 in the kernel.

At 12:26 2005-11-28, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
i've read few articles on the net that FreeBSD/amd64 crashes very frequently, contrary to /i386.

how much truth is in that? i would strongly prefer to run amd64 system on amd64 machine that i will buy this week.
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