Context: 2 pentium 4 boxes; freebsd 5.4 & 6.0

I detected that remote login via "rsh" doesn't work in my boxes:
# rsh uffbsd
uffbsd.myd.prv: Connection refused

even though I've defined the trusted hosts on each box both in $HOME/.rhosts 
and in /etc/hosts.equiv. 
I've also uncommented the shell lines in /etc/inetd.conf to no avail.

What should I do to enable the (mistrusted) rsh connection?


Alle 08:07, mercoledì 30 novembre 2005, Vittorio ha scritto:
> At office I'm trying to solve a heavy statistical problem by means of
> parallel computation with R and pvm.
> The problem is with setting up the
> cluster of computers which - to begin with - is made of two pentium 4
> with freebsd 5.4 (host uffbsd) and 6.0 (host NbBSD).
> They see each
> other. From NbBSD:
> # ping uffbsd
> PING uffbsd.myd.prv
> ( 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from
> icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.221 ms
> 64 bytes from
> icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.193 ms
> But trying to setup the virtual
> machine
> pvm> add NbBSD
> add NbBSD
> 0 successful
>                    NbBSD Duplicate host
> pvm> conf
> conf
> 1
> host, 1 data format
>                     HOST     DTID     ARCH
> SPEED       DSIG
>           NbBSD.myd.prv    40000  FREEBSD    1000
> 0x00408841
> pvm> add uffbsd
> add uffbsd
> 0 successful
>                   uffbsd Can't start pvmd
> Auto-
> Diagnosing Failed Hosts...
> uffbsd...
> Verifying Local Path to "rsh"...
> Rsh found in /usr/bin/rsh - O.K.
> Testing Rsh/Rhosts Access to Host
> "uffbsd"...
> Rsh/Rhosts Access FAILED - "uffbsd.myd.prv: Connection
> refused"
> Make sure host uffbsd is up and connected to
> a network and
> check its DNS / IP address.
> Also verify that NbBSD.myd.prv is allowed
> rsh access on uffbsd
> Add this line to the $HOME/.rhosts on uffbsd:
> NbBSD.myd.prv victor
> ...........................................
> Of
> course, in /home/victor/.rhost on uffbsd there's the required line.
> The
> same reciprocal situation happens from host uffbsd.
> Perhaps I'm
> missing something.
> Could you please help me?
> Vittorio
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