Jesse Sheidlower wrote:
I recently took my IBM ThinkPad X23, which had been running 4.11, and
did a fresh install (backup files, wipe disk, install from scratch)
to 6.0. Most things have gone smoothly, though there are still a few
things to iron out.

My biggest problem is that I can't seem to get DHCP to work with my
wireless card. I have an Orinoco Gold 802.11b card that's always worked
fine; I'm about to replace it with something else for 802.11g with a
new WAP.

There seem to be minor differences in how the card goes in; under 4.11
I would get various beeps when I plugged it in and after it associated,
but now it's silent. And I had to remember to load WEP in my kernel.
But I can seem to get things started by issuing the command

  ifconfig wi0 ssid jesterWAP wepmode on wepkey 0x[DELETED]

which does seem to successfully reach my WAP:

  # ifconfig wi0
        inet6 fe80::202:[DELETED] prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
        ether 00:02:[DELETED]
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (DS/2Mbps)
        status: associated
        ssid jesterWAP channel 6 bssid 00:[DELETED]
        stationname "FreeBSD WaveLAN/IEEE node"
        authmode OPEN privacy MIXED deftxkey UNDEF wepkey 1:104-bit txpowmax 
100 bintval 100

I can't seem to get a DHCP lease, however:

  # dhclient wi0
  DHCPDISCOVER on wi0 to port 67 interval 5
  DHCPDISCOVER on wi0 to port 67 interval 13
  DHCPDISCOVER on wi0 to port 67 interval 7
  DHCPDISCOVER on wi0 to port 67 interval 8
  DHCPDISCOVER on wi0 to port 67 interval 13
  DHCPDISCOVER on wi0 to port 67 interval 15
  No DHCPOFFERS received.
  No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

(Under 4.11, I didn't get any verbose output from dhcpclient.)

I can get a DHCP lease with fxp0, my Ethernet card; also, some Macs in the house have no problem getting leases through the
WAP. (The DHCP server is in a separate router, not in the WAP.)

Is there something that's changed under 6.0, or is there just
something I'm forgetting to do? I do plan to get a new card,
but I want to get this working too.

Just about everything about dhclient has changed. The dhclient from ISC has been replaced by a complete new development from the OpenBSD team. Options that previously worked are nolonger recognized. Among these options are the options to configure what wireless network to associate with.

Also, added is wpa_supplicant which is used to choose the WLAN to connect to.

If there are other WLAN's in your neighbourhood and you have not configured wpa_supplicant, it is likely that you associate with the wrong network and that network doesn't offer a lease.

One thing to do, mostly for testing: Reset completely your card so it does not appear to be associated with any network. When you run dhclient and it fails, you should at least be able to see what network it is associated with if any.

So, read up on the man-pages, and start over.

Cheers, Erik

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