wrangled sat at his 'puter and typed on 12/5/2005 0:10:

I have dual-boot laptop, 30GB Fat32 Win2000 and 70GB FreeBSD 6.0-R. I plan to use this for normal home desktop use (not as a server). I have 512MB RAM.

According to this page:


I should use:

  / = 100MB
  /swap = 1GB
  /var = 50MB
 /usr = rest (68GB)

On past FreeBSD installs, I would occasionaly do things as root, and ran out of space in /root. Since then, on desktop machines (with 250GB drives), I would make / be 4GB. On my lapatop, I wouldn't want to give up 4 of my 70 gigs if I didn't have to. So I am looking for a realistic number that wont cramp me, and wont waste too much space. I am planning on 1GB, so it will be big enough to hold the contents of a 700MB CD ISO.
That is a VERY VERY BAD idea. It is not recommended to do ANYTHING as root which can be done as some other non privileged user.

I have no idea how much of /var I need, other than I like to install various packages to try them out, and I would not want to limit something like a webserver or email server if I chose to run one for limited use. A friend took the default install suggestions for a machine he planned to do some web development on, and said his /var was way too small (they were new to FreeBSD also). I am guessing 5GB for /var would allow me to run a mail-server (for personal use) and Apache+extensions for limited website developement
Generally the maximum space is eaten up by the logs and the databases (if any) hosted on the system.

A swap of 1GB is fine, I'm not sure I've ever actually used any swap on my machines that had more than 128MB.

Depends solely on the applications you are trying to run on the box.

I want /usr to be as big as possible (obviously), so my primary user account will have as much space as possible in /use/home/<account>.

Should I use:

  / = 1GB
  /swap = 1GB
  /var = 5GB
 /usr = rest (63GB)

This is my personal scheme for my desktop which hosts my personal website and a very very small database which is basically my phone directory and appointment schedules.

/ = 128M
/var = 2G
/var/tmp = 128M
/usr = rest.

/tmp is symlinked to /var/tmp.

Now my system specs:

Athlon 64Fx-55
3*160G SATA150 Western Digital in RAID 5
ASUS K8N-SLI DX motherboard.

Again, nothing is absolute. Your requirement would dictate your labeling scheme.


\ / | Subhro Sankha Kar \./ | GSM: +919831010002 -- Fax: +919831832913 (0Y0) | MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Yahoo!: subhro82 -ooO--(_)--Ooo-----------------------------------------------------

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