On 12/11/05 09:44 PM, Louis LeBlanc sat at the `puter and typed:
> Hey folks.
> Is it me, or is the courier-authlib port the absolute worst thing to
> upgrade?  It seems like *every* single time I try to upgrade this
> port, I wind up with nobody being able to log into my courier
> installation.  Usually, it's a simple matter of a simple manual
> restart of the daemon (it shuts down fine at deinstallation, but won't
> start back up when portupgrade is used), sometimes it's a minor config
> tweak.
> The thing is I keep forgetting this little issue for some stupid
> reason, and this time, I've got the darn thing dumping core every time
> someone tries to log in.
> The ports/security/courier-authlib-base/ port installs without any
> problems, but it only builds and installs the libauthpam.so module.
> This is fine, I guess, since I've removed all the other modules from
> the authmodulelist config - that's the only one it ever used before
> anyway.
> So, now I've gone through the whole fiasco of re-installing my entire
> courier-* setup, verifying ALL the configs for authdaemonrc, imapd,
> and imapd-ssl.  Still, authdaemond dumps core anytime someone tries to
> log in.
> Anyone else see anything wierd with courier-authlib-base-0.58?
> I have googled for it, and all I get are links to the various copies
> of the ports/UPDATING file.  Of course, it contains all the keywords I
> can come up with, but none are relevant to the recent issue - and the
> current UPDATING file has nothing about the latest courier-authlib
> update.
> BTW, I'm the only one on the system that can get mail, because I'm
> using mutt.  My Thunderbird and Squirrelmail users cannot log into
> either imap service (imapd with squirrelmail, imapd-ssl remotely).
> So, this is a little annoying, and probably a bit urgent.
> I have the entire port configuration output if it's of any help.  It
> looks like the config process cycles through 12 times.

Quick followup:

I ran a couple tests with this as follows:  Using authtest, I was able
to see what the encrypted password was on my user account.  I then set
DEBUG=2 in the authdaemonrc file, and restarted the authdaemon.  This
routs encrypted passwords to the debug file when a login is attempted.

These passwords do match, but the debug log shows a rejection.

Here's the output to the debug log:
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper imapd: Connection, ip=[::1]
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: received auth request, service=imap, 
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: authpam: trying this module
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: authpam: sysusername=leblanc, 
sysuserid=<null>, sysgroupid=1001, homedir=/home/leblanc, address=leblanc, 
fullname=Louis LeBlanc, maildir=<null>, quota=<null>, options=<null>
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: authpam: clearpasswd=<null>, 
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: pam_service=imap,
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: authpam: REJECT - try next
Dec 11 22:08:07 keyslapper authdaemond: FAIL, all modules rejected

and the authtest output:
<root># authtest leblanc
Authentication succeeded.

     Authenticated: leblanc  (system username: leblanc)
    Home Directory: /home/leblanc
           Maildir: (none)
             Quota: (none)
Encrypted Password: $1$zXwYvUtS$W1234567890ABCdefGHIj/
Cleartext Password: (none)
           Options: wbnodsn=1

Naturally, I changed the encrypted password here, but rest assured I
did check them character by character.

BTW, authdaemond did dump core again.

Thanks again.
Louis LeBlanc                          FreeBSD-at-keyslapper-DOT-net
Fully Funded Hobbyist,                   KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
Please send off-list email to:         leblanc at keyslapper d.t net
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    -- Albert Einstein

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