On Monday 12 December 2005 14:24, Kent Stewart wrote:
> On Sunday 11 December 2005 06:10 pm, RW wrote:
> > On Saturday 10 December 2005 22:46, Ian Moore wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I have mplayer installed and at one stage I installed the
> > > mplayer-skins port as well. Then I got sick of dealing with the
> > > skins port being broken a lot because the source files are often
> > > unfetchable, so I removed the port (I can't remember what method I
> > > used to do that now).
> >
> > A much better solution is to:
> >
> >  cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer-skins && make config
> >
> > then deselect everything, but the default skin.
> >
> > Since I did that I haven't had any problem with unfetchable skins.
> If you go into distfiles/mplayer and rm all of the files that are out of
> date, you won't have any problem either. IIRC, the names haven't
> changed but the MD5 and sizes have and it won't refetch them until you
> remove them. The skins aren't broken. There is something slightly out
> of whack with the Makefile.
> There may be an easier way but cd and rm * works just fine.
> Kent

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going with the "choose the default skin only" 
idea - that way I don't have to editi the make file each time the port is 

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