arnuld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>         I will be as brief as i can on explaining my problem:
> 1.) here is my architecture:
>     i.)    AMD64 -> processor
>     ii.)    ASUS K8V-MX -> motherboard
>     iii.)    LG 17'' Studioworks 775N -> monitor
>         HorizSyns = 30-70 kHz
>         Vertsync  = 50-160 Hz
>         Resolution Max. = 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz
>     IV.)  i do not know about video-card but when FC-4 istallation uses
> "anaconda" to
>            probe the video-card of my system, it shows: vesa driver
> (generic)

Okay, that sounds fine.

> 2.) I have "FreeBSD-5.4 CDs for x86" architecture. regarding this i posted
> the question on FreeBSD mailing-list & many
>      people told me that these same CDs will work on AMD64 because AMD64 is
> backward compatible with 32 bit
>      computing.


> 3.) PROBLEM:
>     I tried to install it on my system and got the following results:
>       i.)    FreeBSD is installed (i did all ports/packages installation)
> but some packages (total 6) could not be installed,it says "installation
> failed",  they are:
>             a.) php
>             b.) apache
>             c.) 1 more package related to apache
>             c.) apache-mod+perl
>             d.) bash
>             e.) 1 dependency of bash
>         all of these raise "error-code 1". except these 6 everything else
> like GNOME, KDE, emacs, xpdf, gv is installed without any problem

I don't believe you're intended to install *everything* on the CDs.
Some of them seem to interfere with each other.  You can always go
back and install them later, so there is no reason to install anything
until you *know* you want it.

The error code 1 doesn't mean anything; it's just the "make" program
reporting that something reported an error to *it*.  You need to look
back a little farther to see the real problem, but in all likelihood,
the problem is just that you installed too many things and they got in
each other's way.  

>       ii.)    FreeBSD boots with login prompt: only in shell mode,no GUI at
> all. ( in freeBSd handbook section 2.9.12 i came to
>              know  that X server configuration fascility has been removed
> since 5.3 release, so i go to chapter 5 to configure X
>              myself)
>       iii.)    I configure GUI by using: Xorg -configure. It creates a file
> named "" in my current directory which is
>              root's home directory. Next if i try to: Xorg -config
>, my screen goes blank with the message "OUT OF
>              FREQUENCY" & with message something like:
>         Frequency:
>         HF 75 Hz ( i do know whether it is Hz, KHz or GHz)
>         VF 60 Hz
>         operating frequency:
>         HF 30-70 Hz (again i do not know)
>         VF 50-160 Hz
>       iv.)    What i do is 1st add the lines "HorizSyns 30-70, VertRefresh
> 50-160" (fom monitor-manual) into monitor section &
>              "Modes "1024x768" into display section of "" &
> then use the same command to configure it. it works
>              and shows a yellowish desktop with 1an X and X moves as i move
> my cursor.

Well, you at least have X running at that point.  You may be able to
optimize it, but deal with one problem at a time.

>     v.) Then i use "xdm" command to enter into GUI, of course it enters into
> GUI with prompt
>         box names "Welcome to 1"  with login name & password , i enter both
> of then & then i press "enter". screen goes off
>        for a second and reappears with same "Welcome 1" box. I enter login
> name and password again and same thing
>        happens. i press "ctrl+Alt+backspace" 2 times and go back to shell
> mode.

For xdm and similar login managers, you need a .xsession script.  If
it exits, then the X server resets (so you want a script that doesn't
exit).  [If you don't have an .xsession, then the default script is in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession, which "exec"s xsm, a simple X session
manager.  This means that the session gets reset as soon as xsm exits,
which you can do from an on-screen menu.]

>        vi.)   i came to know in section 5.7 that GNOME is disabled by
> default,so i enable it by adding "gdm_enable="YES"
>               into "/etc/rc.conf"  and then reboot my machine, after that i
> again use "xdm" and same thing i explained  in
>              previous step, happens. (but FreeBSD Handbook says "no further
> configuration is required, after enabling GNOME,
>             it will work without any problem" BUT i do have a problem)

You are confusing gdm with Gnome.  gdm is the Gnome login screen, but
if you have a .xsession script, that is still what will get used to
set up your X session.  I believe that you need to put "gnome-session"
into your .xsession.

>     vii.) I tried another thing ( to use GNOME directly)as explained in
> 'chapter 5" of FreeBSD handbook. i create ".xsession"
>           file rather than ".xinitc" (as freeBSD uses xdm). I put a line
> "/usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-session" into it.
> then i enter into shell the following command
> # % echo "#!/bin/sh" > ~/.xsession"

I think the syntax in those directions assumes you are running an
sh-style shell.  The idea is to create a ~/.xsession file that
contains the lines
but you can do that with an editor if you want.

To use the sh-style syntax, just type "/bin/sh" and you'll be running
sh instead of csh.

> after pressing enter it says "/bin/sh: event not found". ( i made a check
> into /bin directory, "sh" file is present there). anyway i use "startx" and
> it takes me to a yellowish desktop with one login shell and 2 xterm shells
> (all are like bash shell). but no menu, no icons, no GNOME or real desktop
> thing. i enter commands "emacs, ggv, gv etc.) and all of these application
> open in GUI mode but it is disgusting. also icons of this desktop are too
> small to be seen.

Right.  That's xsm.

> i reboot and the try xdm and same thing "Welcome to 1" as in "step v"
> happens but no GNOME. May you please help on this? Please tell me whether
> this is a hardware issue or do i need to do some configuration.

I think if you get the right .xsession file, as described through this
message, you will be well on your way.
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