On Dec 12, 2005, at 10:02 AM, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Anthony Agelastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello everyone,

For an unknown reason, my mouse lately has been hanging. It has hung with X11 running and without X11 running. To fix it, I get to a prompt (usually via Ctrl+Alt+F1 as it tends to happen primarily when in X) and, as root, I

% kill mousedPID
% moused -p /dev/psm0
% vidcontrol -m on

and, if there is music playing, it slurs for several seconds when I
initially move the mouse, and then it is back to working along with the mouse. If memory serves, this problem started occurring when I configured the mouse to use the scrollwheel. To do this, I followed the instructions
per the FreeBSD FAQ.

http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/x.html#X-AND- WHEEL

What the FAQ mentions is only related to X11. It has failed on me once when I booted up FBSD prior to any startx-type of command being run. I have been running the same version of 6.0-STABLE for over a month now and this problem has started noticeably occurring a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone have any ideas? Some additional pertinent information is below. Thank you to everyone
who helps and has helped make FreeBSD a great community.

It sounds like it might be an interrupt issue.
Is the mouse sharing an interrupt with anything?
How could I check that? I do apologize for my ignorance with this.

uname -a
FreeBSD ast.home.iq 6.0-STABLE FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE #0: Sat Nov 5 21:29:34
EST 2005     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/IQKERNEL  i386
moused -p /dev/psm0 -i type
cat /etc/rc.conf | grep moused

I wanted to mention here that when I change moused_type from auto to ps/2, it appears to behave more stable. However, in doing this, the scrollwheel ceases to work in X11. I wanted to also mention that I checked out the FAQ,
Google, and the Handbook and came up empty with all of them .

I'm not surprised; I don't think I've heard of this behaviour before.

Prior to your email, I decided to update my 6.0-STABLE box to a newer version of 6.0-STABLE and, so far anyways, it seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you for your reply. I would still like to know the question I asked above regarding the interrupts if at all possible. _______________________________________________
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