On 2005-12-14 19:03, "Justin L. Boss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay if you think that subject was confusing this is totally confusing
> to me.  I'm trying to do a Makeworld that will only install the user
> distributions install from sysinstall. As you can see below, the only
> two that match up are games and base. So how do you know what source
> to install to = the user distributions install. Or do you install all
> the source and then just use NO_????=yes in your make.conf. If so
> which ones do you use? Maybe a better question would be which
> NO_????=YES do i include in my make.conf to only build and install the
> user distributions from the sysinstall. Thanks for any help you might
> be able to give.
> The User install from sysinstall             "Average user - binaries and doc
> only"

> [ ]  games     Games (non-commercial)


> [ ]  info      GNU info files


> [ ]  catman    Preformatted system manual pages

I'm not sure if there is a NO_XXX knob for this.  The 'preformatted'
manpages are created only when you run man(1) as root, but you can erase
those by periodically running:

    # cd /usr/share/man
    # rm cat*/* cat*/*/*

> [ ]  proflibs  Profiled versions of the libraries


> [ ]  src       Sources for everything
> [ ]  local     Local additions collection
> [ ]  X.Org     The X.Org distribution

There are no NO_XXX knobs for these.

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