
I'm new to FreeBSD but not to UNIX. The guy who burned me the 6.0 release iso's told me that during the install, FreeBSD would detect my Windows XP drive but it didn't. I have two hard drives, one for FreeBSD one for Windows. The FreeBSD drive is SATA and the Windows is PATA (IDE, but I'm sure you all knew that). I've been reading through the Handbook, but I don't see in there how to configure the bootloader to boot Windows. I'd like very much to use the bootloader as I'm sick of going into CMOS every time and changing the "first" drive in the system so that I get the OS I want. Please help.

I also need some help with getting X and KDE up and running, but I think I'll be able to work through those problems using the docs. If not, then I'll post. Also, the account I have with my ISP is such that I don't have but 5mb of space for e-mail. Therefore, I didn't join this mailing list. Please include my e-mail address in your replies.

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