Hi All,

I'm having a pretty hard time trying to figure out how
can I get init(8) to run a daemon and respawn it if it
crashes. By the time I was a Linux user, it was done by
adding a line in /etc/inittab and it was all...

I know that it must be done in /etc/ttys but I couldn't
find any syntax example after searching the FreeBSD manpages,
maillists, Handbook and Google.

"man init" gives me this:

The *init* utility can also be used to keep arbitrary daemons running,
automatically restarting them if they die.  In this case, the first field
in the ttys(5) 
 file must not reference the path to a configured device
node and will be passed to the daemon as the final argument on its com-
mand line.  This is similar to the facility offered in the AT&T System V
UNIX //etc/inittab/.

Sounded a little cryptic to me... sorry...

Can anyone help me? If so, An example line would be fine.

Thanx !! =)


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