
I can't remember who posted that and I removed my emails from server.

I try to eject my USB key using cmacontrol and I got this:

# camcontrol devlist
<Corsair Flash Voyager 1.00>         at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (da0,pass0)
# camcontrol eject 1:0:0
Unit stopped successfully, Media ejected
#camcontrol devlist
<Corsair Flash Voyager 1.00>         at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (da0,pass0)

You see, it seems to be successfully stopped but I still have it by asking the
devlist the moment after.

Don't know how to help more than that, sorry :)

Regards, Ivan.

little P.S: for those who are saying FreeBSD is not ready and the penguin, and
M$, etc, etc, Mike is right, let's see what we could have with just a hundredth
of M$ money. If you come to FreeBSD then you may want to discover and search
many new things by yourself. Help the project, give your time, share your
knowledge. I am not a programmer, so I translate the handbook. And from day to
day, it will be more accessible.
But I am not sure this is the place for pessimism. Also note that almost all
questions asked here get their solution in less than 24 hours.

How you say ? FreeBSD enthousiast, yes :)
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