Anyway, If you find some solutions with 16 MB Ram, I
would be
happy to know it, since I can't use my old laptop
for now.

twm? hehehe.
Initially the old laptop was for a friend of mine, who doesn't know much about computer, so I thought that perverting one more to FreeBSD was a great idea... But it had to be good looking... twm, well... well... ;)

In fact I did install WMaker on it, definitively not a good solution. But what was surprinsing is that it was XFree86 that was grabbing much of the memory, not wmaker itself... If I use twm, then do you think that it would reduce X consumption ?

Assuming that having a light wm would reduce X consumption, what would be a good wm to use with 32 MB Ram ? (optimum ratio good looking/memory consumption)



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