Abhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    I'm experiencing kernel panics with 6.0 Release. I did a fresh
> install of 6.0 Release after playing with some linux distros and
> Freebsd 5.4 Release. The only problem i had was due to faulty RAM. I
> replaced the RAM and had no problems. But  for somedays my system has
> started to panic randomly. All the crash dumps i got show something
> wrong in the file pcpu.h at line 165.

That just means it's dumping core.  You need to look a little
deeper for why it's doing so.

>  I'm ttaching my custom kernel configuration file and one crash dump i
> got with kgdb. I hope someone can tell me why this's happening, and if
> this's freebsd problem or  hardware problem.

In this case, it's smashing its own stack while doing a bcopy()
(or some related function).  If that's not consistent, this
probably *is* a hardware problem.  If it's dependable, then maybe
not.  Try to track down commonalities in what the system is doing
when it panics.  If possible.
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