On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 22:12, Robert Ames wrote:

I have an old (very old) ASUS P5 motherboard running FreeBSD 5.4.
The boot disk is a 40MB Western Digital WD400 IDE drive jumpered to
only use 32MB so it can be booted from since the BIOS in this PC
(the latest and greatest) can't deal with anything larger than 32MB.
This PC is working well for me and I don't want to upgrade it.
However I would like to add a lot of disk space.  So my question
is, can I go out and buy a new 300 GB (or whatever) IDE disk and
attach it to the secondary IDE controller and hope to use all 300
GB?  I will still use the old disk for booting and to hold the OS.
The new disk will be just for data.  If this will "just work" how do
I configure the BIOS so the PC will boot with the large drive installed?

I presume you mean GB for size. I just plugged a 250GB drive into a PIII 500 Supermicro board. The bios thinks it is 8GB. I get No Rom Basic if I try to boot. I also tried it as an external USB drive and fdisk'd and bsdlabelled it as 250GB without problem using FBSD6.

I think if I could have booted there would have been no problem with the disk on the IDE chain as FBSD sees disks directly not through the BIOS (or so I understand).

I can test on a P5AB if you want but it will take a day or two.

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