perikillo schrieb:
  Hi people.
    I have this motherboard:

   K8N Neo4 AMD64

   I install freebsd 6.0 AMD64, the installation was easy. The
problema is my VGA card is one PCIExpress ATI Radeon X300, i install
suse 10 on the same computer and suse detect the card, i say if suse
can bsd can, but no :-(

There is no reason for this conclusion.

, on the BIOS i dont have the option PnP OS =
YES or NO, i have 2 options for the VGA card:
PCIE or PCI, and IRQ Auto and Manual, i test both Auto and Manual, but
still didnt detect my card.

What do you mean with detection of the card? How do you determine whether the card has been detected or not?

    I read the NOTES file and found two options:


These are for 3D support, but "man radeon" says that your card isn't supported in this regard by this driver.


   If iam correct pci5 is my the PCIE card...? But dont see nothing
that say PCIExpress Card...?

This is not a problem because PCI express devices appear as regular PCI devices.

   I have 2 options, find another VGA card compatible with freebsd or
continue locking for help and maybe the results would not be good ?

Buy an Nvidia card if you need 3D support necessarily, because Nvidia offers drivers for FreeBSD. ATI does not; they support Linux only.

The third option would be to do it without 3D support. This should work always. If you have problems with configuring the X Window Server then /var/log/Xorg.0.log might be helpful. :-)

   Another thing is that, if i compile the GENERIC kernel deleting
some fields but let the 3 options for Firewire support, make send me
errors and dosent finish...?


Most likely you deleted some options that are necessary for firewire support. I can't say more unless you tell the error message and your kernel configuration file.

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