On Monday 02 January 2006 22:29, Björn König wrote:
> Richard Kästner schrieb:
> > Hello,
> >
> > hope to find some help, hints and experience here:
> >
> > an external device expects commands and command data,
> > it produces result-codes and result data.
> > Communication is done via HTTP (and working)
> >
> > The idea is, to allow access via Samba, which requires either
> > implementation of Samba - VFS modules or mapping to BSD-Filesystem -
> > pseudofs came to my mind.
> > [...]
> Hello,
> your description is a little bit vague to me, but it sounds like that
> this task can be probably done by using portalfs. See mount_portalfs(8)
> for examples.
> Regards Björn
(sorry for being vague - I seem to be too deep in my problems)

thanks for the tip - portalfs was the first thing to try, but it does not work 
with samba (at least the way, I wanted ):
Portalfs does not allow to pass anything besides '/p/tcp/localhost/6666'

To be less vague :
the external device is a black box, communicates via ???-HTTP server.

The idea is:
- a (windows)user copies a file to a directory (say: .../commands/xyz),
- there is a "thing", that maps this file to some activity towards external
  box (similar to: procfs_doprocnote )
- as a response, a file appears in another file (.../response/data), 
  which can be read from (windows)client ( similar to: procfs_doproccmdline)
- the whole stuff should work diskless 
- response data can be from a few bytes up to several megabyte

- if I can manage, I could export this filesystem via samba _and_ nfs ...

- if it all was only about acces to the black box, it could be done via 
HTTP ... unfortunately, I have to deal with windows clients


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Richard Kästner
Woerthgasse 17
2500 Baden
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