--- JK Scheinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to setup, in the easiest and quickest possible way, a server  
> for apache-ssl, php, mysql, and postfix/courier-imap.
> I've installed FreeBSD 6.0.  A minimal install.   I don't care about  
> anything else but those applications and services ( well, ssh so I  
> can attach to the machine, but I have that working already )
> I don't feel the need to work from sources, binaries would probably  
> be fine. I connect via ssh and don't want X.  I'd rather not even  
> install the development tools ( they are not on there yet)
> I'd like to be able to keep the system up to date as patches etc come  
> out
> There are tons of references on how to do this on the net but I've  
> tried a bunch of them and either they are not complete or they  
> require hours of cvsup'ing and building from source etc.

You'll need to spend some time here:


> I just want to get this up and working and not have to spend tons of  
> time doing that or maintaining it
> So,  how do you recommend I do this?

Well, you might need to RTFM just a little bit if you get stuck. And trust
me, it's worth it. Since you seem to be in a hurry, I'll assume you
installed 6.0-RELEASE (you can check this with uname -a). Also, I'd keep
a written log or an a text file on a separate machine of what you do and
what worked because you can easily bork a machine if you are in too much
of a hurry. So it helps to know how to recover quickly. Anyway,

As root, cd to /usr/ports/packages/All - if it doesn't exist, then do

mkdir -p /usr/ports/packages/All
cd /usr/ports/packages/All

Since you don't use X, use lynx or your favourite ftp client to browse
this little lot. You may, of course, use a more convenient mirror site.


The above contains hundreds of binary packages at the time of 6.0-RELEASE
going out. Now, if you were prepared to RTFM I'd recommend using

pkg_add -r <package name>

but that would require you first playing with /etc/make.conf, and so on as
sometimes remote fetching needs tweaking. Instead, I suggest you look over
the FTP site above and download to


the packages you require. Then use pkg_add to install them. I'm not
familiar with the precise packages mix you require, so you might have
dependency problems. In which case, try

man pkg_add



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